Dividends distribution by DR free zone companies

There are recent news on dividends distribution by Dominican free zone companies. But first, let us review the background on the recent announcement made by the government. Dominican Law No. 253-12, enacted at the end of 2012, (hereinafter called “the Tax Reform”) modified the Dominican Republic’s Tax Code as well as other laws of a fiscal nature. The only significant change to the tax situation of free zone companies with regard to withholdings on dividend distribution … Seguir leyendo

Free Trade Zones in the Dominican Republic

With the purpose of attracting foreign investment to increase levels of employment and foreign currency in the country, in 1970 the Dominican Republic established a legal regime of extra-territoriality by means of which companies that are set up in a specific geographic territory declared as an “industrial free zone” and surrounded by insurmountable walls, are … Seguir leyendo